SRNA CERND Grant Applications
Opens Jun 18 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)

The Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association’s Center of Excellence in Rare Neuroimmune Disorders (CERND) designated grant awards are focused on institutions providing clinical care, advancing research to better understand rare neuroimmune disorders and developing more effective acute therapies and symptom management strategies for individuals diagnosed with ADEM, AFM, MOGAD, NMOSD, ON, and TM.

The objective is to support designated centers with funding of up to $7,500 for promising clinical, education, and research ideas.


  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis during the calendar year from institutions that are SRNA designated Centers of Excellence in Rare Neuroimmune Disorders.
  • Grant awards are up to $7,500 and will be awarded on a rolling basis until the funds available for the year have been used.
  • We welcome applications to support patient education programs, publication costs, and innovative clinical and research ideas where there might be a need for additional funding such as for reagents, research effort, and data analysis.
  • Currently, we are not able to support travel through this grant process.
  • Centers are welcome to apply for more than one grant in the same calendar year, but there must be a period of 6 months between each application.
  • For grant requests that are more than $7,500, centers are invited to submit a pre-application letter of intent for review and discussion with SRNA Board which is subject to the availability of funds.
  • Awards from SRNA do not support institutional indirect costs.

Receiving a grant from SRNA comes with the opportunity to share your work through an SRNA program, such as an Ask the Expert: Research Edition podcast, a research summary, or a blog post. We look forward to collaborating with you to highlight what this funding is supporting.

For questions about the CERND grant, please email Krissy Dilger at


SRNA CERND Grant Applications

The Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association’s Center of Excellence in Rare Neuroimmune Disorders (CERND) designated grant awards are focused on institutions providing clinical care, advancing research to better understand rare neuroimmune disorders and developing more effective acute therapies and symptom management strategies for individuals diagnosed with ADEM, AFM, MOGAD, NMOSD, ON, and TM.

The objective is to support designated centers with funding of up to $7,500 for promising clinical, education, and research ideas.


  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis during the calendar year from institutions that are SRNA designated Centers of Excellence in Rare Neuroimmune Disorders.
  • Grant awards are up to $7,500 and will be awarded on a rolling basis until the funds available for the year have been used.
  • We welcome applications to support patient education programs, publication costs, and innovative clinical and research ideas where there might be a need for additional funding such as for reagents, research effort, and data analysis.
  • Currently, we are not able to support travel through this grant process.
  • Centers are welcome to apply for more than one grant in the same calendar year, but there must be a period of 6 months between each application.
  • For grant requests that are more than $7,500, centers are invited to submit a pre-application letter of intent for review and discussion with SRNA Board which is subject to the availability of funds.
  • Awards from SRNA do not support institutional indirect costs.

Receiving a grant from SRNA comes with the opportunity to share your work through an SRNA program, such as an Ask the Expert: Research Edition podcast, a research summary, or a blog post. We look forward to collaborating with you to highlight what this funding is supporting.

For questions about the CERND grant, please email Krissy Dilger at

Jun 18 2024 12:00 AM (EDT)